Bronze jewelry from prehistory to the present day
The first bronze jewelry dates from the Bronze Age, which began around 3500 BC. BC in Europe. The manufacturing techniques were then simple: lost wax casting and hammering.
Jewelry was often simple and functional, made from bronze wire, plates, and sheets. There are necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings and pendants.
The decorations were often geometric (triangles, squares, spirals) but also figurative (animals, plants).

The Iron Age supplanted Bronze around 1200 BC. AD, but bronze did not disappear. The techniques have been refined with filigree and granulate.
Jewelry has become more complex: ornaments, fibulas, mirrors and statuettes.
The decorations were often more elaborate, with mythological motifs, portraits of animals and people.
Fibula with an arc with a dragon's head and a pin rest decorated with concentric circles, dating from ancient La Tène ( 4th century BC).
Gallic bronze torque
Middle Ages
The Middle Ages (500-1500 AD) saw a decline in the production of bronze jewelry, replaced by gold and silver.
Medieval bronze ring
However, production did not disappear: rings, brooches, pendants and earring plates were still made, often with religious motifs (crosses, saints).
Renaissance and modern times
The Renaissance (14th-16th century) marked a revival of interest in antiquity, reviving the popularity of bronze.
Cameos, intaglios, medals and statuettes were inspired by Greek and Roman jewelry, with portraits of famous men and women, scenes from mythology and humanist motifs.
The modern era (17th century to today) craftsmen continue this production with the tools of their time such as the blowtorch whose flame is powered by butane and oxygen.
You will find many examples on this site: